Saturday, March 28, 2020

Advantages of Using a Private Tutor on the Golf Course

Advantages of Using a Private Tutor on the Golf CourseWhen considering an additional tutor time on the golf course, do you focus only on the math, science, and history subjects? Or maybe something else that interests you more. Using a time on the golf course and whether it is to play the game, get better at the game, or advance in your professional career is important.Perhaps you have a specific area of interest and want to develop your game with a mentor. Or perhaps you want to learn a new skill for the sake of progressing on the golf course. To help you in these endeavors, you may want to consider getting a private tutor. This would provide additional game knowledge and mental preparation so that you do not struggle as much on the golf course.A golf instructor can also assist you with your handicap. Often times, some of these instructors can even assist you with getting a higher handicap. That is because they are more knowledgeable about the game and the strategy needed to compete in your tournament.As you see, there are a variety of possible ways to obtain help from an outside source. You do not need to necessarily find one who is trained to teach your sport or class. In fact, that is probably the biggest mistake to make.The perfect tutor can provide guidance to you with practice shots, how to utilize a chipping or putting green, the proper amount of clubs to use in a round, and a lot more. Remember, all these aspects are learned through practice. The tutor can ensure that you are practicing the right way.One great area to get an extra tutor is with your children. These parents understand how important golf is to your family. They have perhaps been on vacation, have kids of their own, or other children who enjoy thegame as well.Helping with your game on the golf course is a great idea. However, a great way to find a good tutor is to ask around. Ask around to see what others think of your choices for assistance.

Friday, March 6, 2020

If You Can Read, Thank a Teacher

If You Can Read, Thank a Teacher Reading tutors at are experienced and prepared to help all types of students including ADD/HD, ADD, Dyslexia. We have thousands of affordable reading tutors nearby, who can teach your kids how to read, word recognition, comprehension and vocabulary skills. Right tutor can make the difference. So, if your child is constantly struggling in reading, help them. Hire  a Reading tutor today and  give your kids  assistance in their studies to fortify their educational needs. They  will be grateful for the aide.

TutorZ is Just Awesome in Coordinating Things

TutorZ is Just Awesome in Coordinating Things USMLE student Sujana Vinjamuri was looking for a great tutor to help her pass the 2nd step.    In an email message to the TutorZ customer service team Sujana writes: TutorZ is just awesome in coordinating things. and is grateful for being the helped finding awesome Dr. Ivana. Responding back to to Sujanas endorsement, TutorZ founder Dirk Wagner wrote: Thank you for your warm and appreciative words, Sujana. Stories like yours are the very reason why TutorZ is in business. Sujana Vinjamuri found her prefect match in Dr. Ivana of New Haven, CT. Ivana Kawikova is Gold Apple (highest honor) tutor and USMLE step 1, 2 and 3 expert at TutorZ. Additionally, Dr. Ivana teaches tutors pharmacology and pediatrics. Dr. Ivana has been awarded with a M.D. and Ph.D. degree completed at NBME and Yale University, respectively.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

ALOHA New Jersey Student Competes in National Geographic Bee State Finals - ALOHA Mind Math

ALOHA New Jersey Student Competes in National Geographic Bee State Finals ALOHA New Jersey Student Competes in National Geographic Bee State Finals ALOHA New Jersey Student Competes in National Geographic Bee State Finals ALOHA Enriches Academics and Geography Passions of Fifth Grade Student EDISON, NJ, March 28, 2014 â€" An ALOHA New Jersey student has qualified to compete in the National Geographic Bee finals. The ten year-old, Aarnav Gharse, will face 100 other students in fourth through eighth grade to represent New Jersey in the National Geographic Bee. They will be given an oral test for the most part. Only one student will move onto the national finals to be held in Washington, D.C. This is first time the fifth grade student qualified for the state qualifier. According to his mom there were around 40 students competing in school before reaching the state level. “From a young age, about 5 years-old, he has been fascinated with maps, and even read world maps (when introduced in school),” said his mother, Sanguida Gharse. As the competition draws closer Aarnav is not showing signs of anxiousness. He loves to read and is always excited for geography exams, said his mom. “He is a cool person, not the nervous type. When he competed in the ALOHA Mind Math Olympiad two years ago or so, competing against his peers from all over the United States in the Garden State Exhibit Center with about 2,000 to 3,000 attendees, he was excited and not nervous, “ explained Mrs. Gharse. Aarnav started coming to the after school learning center at five years old, where he advanced quickly and graduated in 2012. During that time he became a national level ALOHA Olympiad champion among 1,300 others students, according to Ramamani Rajeevalochna, Director of ALOHA South Edison. His mom acknowledges her son’s accomplishments, yet she realizes he faces a difficult task. “It’s a tough competition and we hope for the best,” she continued. “I am the one who gets nervous when he has to answer an exam or something,” she laughs. The National Geographic Bee finals will be held April 4 at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey. The state champion advances to national finals held in Washington, D.C. in May. About ALOHA The unique academic enrichment programs at ALOHA Centers help children 5 years-old through 12 years-old be the best they can be to get ahead in all academic areas. This interactive learning method promotes the development and engagement on both sides of the brain, designed for frustrated learners or high-achieving gifted students. Through instructor-led, small group tutoring sessions, children improve their focus, develop vital learning skills, as well as study and life skills, and advance their self confidence to excel in reading, math, language arts, and science, to ultimately persevere in the face of adversity to go after their dreams. Discover the genius in your child. ALOHA Mind Math was founded in 1993 and introduced in the United States in 2006. ALOHA Mind Math continues to experience growth beyond their current presence in 18 states, 23 countries, and 4,200 locations worldwide. To learn more about ALOHA, the mind math program, reading/writing programs, or to schedule an orientation at a center near you visit

Physics For The Common Man

Physics For The Common ManThere is a term in physics called dead chemistry. This is the perfect example of physics for those of us that are not familiar with the field. It means nothing as far as the laws of physics are concerned, but it has the same effect as making everything 'dead' to a physicist.For high school students, this may mean that the experience of learning something new can be fun and exciting. Physics has many disciplines and all of them can be a bit mysterious at times. Physics for example is about the interaction of matter and energy, and it's the most commonly used science in the world today. Students will find that it will help them understand how and why things happen.The same holds true for college level physics. There are many concepts that will be unfamiliar to college students. The most common among those that they are probably least likely to use is the concept of dead chemistry. Many physics courses will have students studying dead chemistry, but at first th ey will often only be learning about it as an application for their experiments.Those who enter high school will often find that their chemistry classes will come with a professor that helps to introduce them to chemistry. The chemistry will be involved in their experiments, so it is in some ways like dead chemistry, which is where the element is being dissolved in water, not when the experiment begins. However, there are differences between the two, particularly as it relates to students.The difference between dead chemistry, as described above, is that dead chemistry is essentially dead at the beginning of the experiment. It just gives the student some context and some useful information to work with. Dead chemistry, on the other hand, is when the chemistry actually starts to react with one another and forms compounds.Chemistry is most popularly known for being used to build up compounds. This is why so many teachers in high school choose to use chemistry as part of their classes. Chemistry is a science that helps students study all the different elements of the periodic table and works to build up the compounds that we use in all areas of our lives today.There are a few common elements that are used in both chemistry and physics. One of these is oxygen. Oxygen is used in medicine, and it is what we breathe in our everyday lives. So there you have a nice and simple explanation of dead chemistry.

Definition of Ideal Gas Chemistry

Definition of Ideal Gas ChemistryIn order to understand the differences between Ideal Gas Chemistry and the many other chemical methods that have been used to formulate specific products, you will need to first recognize the most basic method of determining the properties of compounds. The ideal gas process relies on the use of a series of cartridges which contain a specific mixture of gas, and a series of chemicals to neutralize the gas into another gas or another chemical. This makes it possible to make solutions in water, soda ash, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and nitrogen.Another benefit of using the ideal gas method is that it can be scaled up quite easily to large proportions, and it can be used to create products with very high concentrations of different gases. For example, you could mix a ratio of dry baking soda and water to create a solution that has great results when it comes to creating baked goods.When you look at the definition of Ideal Gas Chemistry, you will see that i t includes several properties that are not found in other chemical processes. For instance, the chemical reaction used to initiate the formation of the gas of the cartridge is referred to as a cross-coupling reaction. Also, the reaction used to stabilize the gas and the intermediate is referred to as a gas-phase equilibrium.In an ideal gas chemistry, both the reaction which creates the gas and the stabilizer reaction are controlled by gases, which are included in the solution that is produced from the actual cartridges. Because the cartridge has high concentrations of gas in them, the resulting gas product that is created has properties such as being a good solvent, being a great insulator, and being able to form a liquid at a molecular level.The solubility of the gas product is what creates the 'flavor' of the product; you can also achieve the dissolution of a compound that is present in the solution. When you think about it, these three characteristics allow for the creation of th e desired end product that you are looking for. However, the characteristics of the ideal gas system as mentioned previously are not part of the Ideal Gas Chemistry definition. As you can probably tell, this is one of the defining aspects of the Chemistry as it relates to the development of pure chemical agents. The Chemical Reactions that is used in the process is the only properties included in the definition of the ideal gas chemistry process.Therefore, it is safe to say that an ideal gas chemistry definition is one of the few things that exist to make the definition of chemical engineering complete. The system that uses the Ideal Gas Chemistry definition does, however, include a large number of properties that cannot be found in any other process. Regardless, of whether you are working with a laboratory-scale process, or a batch-scale system, the ideal gas chemistry definition can be your guide to success.

How to Prepare for Your Med School Admissions Interview Part 2

How to Prepare for Your Med School Admissions Interview Part 2 By Michelle Finkel, MDThe following piece was written by Dr. Michelle Finkel. Michelle has been featured in ourAdmissions Expert seriesand is a former Harvard Medical School faculty member. She is the founder of Insider Medical Admissions. With your medical school personal statement writing finally behind you, its time to start thinking about the much-dreaded medical school admissions interview. Please take a look at my last Varsity Tutors blog entry on medical interviews for pointers on how to let your story show your glory and the rationale for why you should learn to fake it until you make it. In this entry and those that follow, Im going to focus on the intricacies of the medical interview, so you have a leg up when you are seated across from Dr. Decision, the brilliant if nutty professor whose approval may well shape your professional future. You Can Run. You Can Hide. But You Cant Escape Not every applicant has a 3.99 grade point average or a 40 on her MCAT. In fact, one of the benefits of my years in medical school admissions consulting has been the opportunity to help some candidates get into medical school by both acknowledging deficiencies and providing persuasive evidence that they have successfully overcome these obstacles. I still remember one bright advisee who had improved her grades considerably throughout her college career, but had, unfortunately, a less than stellar freshman transcript. After calculating her AMCAS GPA with me, she exclaimed, I feel like my grades are a criminal record! She was right; she couldnt erase the grades. But she could address her GPA weakness in her interviews. Being upfront about a major deficiency and demonstrating with evidence from the remainder of your candidacy that the weakness is not representative of your abilities is good strategy. Although medical school application deficiencies are, of course, not real scandals, allow me an analogy: An otherwise respected politician conducts some business that may be viewed as skirting a regulation. She has two options: First, she can deny, await a media frenzy, and then (after the media has crafted their own interpretation of her behavior) do damage control. Alternately, she can acknowledge the episode, remind the public of her otherwise scrupulous record in office, and diffuse a crisis. Interestingly, the latter not only averts a disaster, but by addressing the problem head-on, she looks more responsible. The same principle is true with deficiencies in your medical school candidacy. When describing a weakness during an interview, you should execute a three-pronged approach. First, make a true, strong, and convincing statement about your candidacys worth. You can start by noting that the deficiency in your candidacy does not represent your academic abilities nor your professional potential. Next, you can briefly explain the circumstances that led to the problem. This part is tricky. Saying that your MCAT score does not correlate with the remainder of your strong candidacy because you arent a good test-taker will not fly with many interviewers. (After all, youll be taking countless tests in medical school.) If this is your excuse, its probably better to skip this step and move onto the next one. (See below.) However, if you have a justifiable reason for your deficiency (concomitant family illness, a job you took to support yourself that limited your study time, etc.), explaining that background will be helpful. Finally, you need to give examples of the strengths of your candidacy to convince the interviewer that your deficiency is not an ill omen of your future medical school performance. Your MCAT score may be below the schools average, but perhaps you can note that your GPA is above. Your freshman year may have been a bad time for you, but you can point out that you earned a 4.0 your sophomore and junior years. You may have been disorganized in college, but as a post-baccalaureate student, you were at the top of your class. As I detailed in my previous entry, your primary role throughout the interview process is to convince medical schools that you deserve a slot at their institutions. The best way to persuade is with facts, so giving evidence of your accomplishments will help convince the faculty member that your deficiency is an anomaly. Consider rehearsing your sales pitch (and make no mistake about it, you are selling yourself) with a skeptical friend or an experienced mentor who is willing to play devil's advocate. Actively solicit feedback on which aspects of your pitch sound defensive or come across as flimsy excuses, and spend ample time reflecting on how the same information might be conveyed in ways that present you as a mature individual who has achieved redemption enough to warrant a slot in med school. If you can persuade your interviewer with the above strategic steps, then when your candidacy is discussed in medical school admissions committee meetings, Dr. Decision will advocate for you, citing the examples you have given to demonstrate the strength of your application to her colleagues. Note, too, that by demonstrating a willingness to confront and discuss mistakes you have learned from, you may be perceived as having greater integrity than other candidates who remain evasive or fail to own up to their shortcomings. Next entry, Ill discuss additional subtleties of the medical school interview process and how to navigate them strategically. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.